Cultural Passes

Japanese Garden

The Wilsonville Public Library offers free passes to the following local attractions:

See below for complete rules, or call us at 503-682-2744.

For complete information on each venue (including hours, times, and number admitted by each pass), please see LINCC Cultural Passes.

Cultural Pass Rules​

  • Borrowers must be 18 years of age or older with a LINCC card in good standing.
  • Loan is for one day, and cannot be renewed.
  • Reservations are only available online.
  • The number of persons admitted to a particular venue will vary. Call us or check the LINCC website for specific admission information.
  • Users may have up to two active reservations at any one time.
  • Passes may not be reserved for two consecutive days, except for the Oregon State Parks pass.


Updated 2/11/2025