Tiny Art Show
The Tiny Art Show is on display in March! Vote for your favorites from each age category. Winners will be on display in April.
Display your artistic talents in our Tiny Art Show!
Starting February 1, pick up a mini art kit (while supplies last) and create your masterpiece. When completed, return it to the Library by February 26 to be part of the March show. Mini art kits are not required.
Submissions are welcome that meet the Tiny Art Show requirements (3"x3" canvas, family-friendly theme). Just make sure to turn your masterpiece (with entry form and label on the back of the artwork) in to the Library by February 26. Limit of two (2) artworks per artist may be submitted.
Last day to submit artwork is Wednesday, Feb. 26.
Winning art will be on display in April and available for pick up in early May. All other art entered into the Tiny Art Show will be available for artists to take home in early April, if the artist requests it. Artwork not picked up by May 31 will be donated to the Wilsonville Public Library Foundation for a fundraising event.
Open to all ages.
This contest is sponsored by the Wilsonville Public Library Foundation.