
Wilsonville Public Library Newsletter September 2020
Posted On:
Thu, 08/27/2020

The September 2020 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Learn more about fall programs, Book Bundles, and more. Check it out!

Shred-it paper shredding truck
Posted On:
Wed, 08/26/2020

August 26, 2020 – To meet an emergent community need, the City is working in partnership with Shred-it to collect and shred sensitive paper documents for Wilsonville residents on Saturday, Sept. 26, 9 am to 2 pm, in the City Hall parking lot.

Throughout the summer, the City has received phone calls from residents seeking to shred sensitive documents; the COVID-19 pandemic prevented Wilsonville middle school students from teaming up with Academy Mortgage to host an annual spring shredding event.

This one-time City event is intended to bridge the gap until that popular community event returns.

Shred-It has “contactless” protocols in place to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Residents drive up and unload their paper documents into large recycling bins; when a bin is full, it is rolled to one of two Shred-it trucks and contents are immediately shredded.  

I-5 Connection Choir
Posted On:
Mon, 08/24/2020

August 24, 2020 – Wilsonville Parks and Recreation is accepting Community Opportunity Grant applications through Friday, Sept. 25.

Each year, the City distributes up to $25,000 in Community Opportunity Grant awards from its general fund to provide funding for a wide range of local programs and projects in Wilsonville. Successful proposals support education, diversity, arts, entertainment and community-building programs.

Complete grant guidelines and the online application are available at

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board reviews all applications and typically allocates awards twice annually. This fall’s application review date is not yet scheduled.

Posted On:
Fri, 08/21/2020

Final Task Force Meeting to Be Held on Aug. 25


August 21, 2020 — The Draft Findings and Recommendations of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy are available for public review and comment online until Monday, Aug. 31. Comments are to be considered for potential incorporation into the Draft Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy (ACHS).

Posted On:
Tue, 08/18/2020

August 18, 2020  — At the August 17, 2020, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the City Council approved the allocation of nearly $100,000 in funds to support eight local Community Enhancement projects.  The City receives Community Enhancement funding from Metro, $1 for every ton of wet waste processed in Wilsonville at Republic Services, providing funds to reinvest in the Wilsonville community.

Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract of about $204,000 to fund the Phase II construction of the I-5 Undercrossing Trail. The new segment completes the path to connect Memorial Park to Boones Ferry Park.

To aid emergency planning, The Council voted to renew the City’s participation in The Regional Water Providers Consortium (RWPC), which provides leadership in the planning, management, stewardship, and resiliency of drinking water in the metropolitan region.

Posted On:
Wed, 08/12/2020

August 12, 2020 — The City of Wilsonville’s 50-member Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy (ACHS) Task Force is scheduled to meet virtually on Tuesday, Aug. 25, 1-2:30 pm. The meeting is open to the public and provides an opportunity for public comment.

The third and last planned meeting of the ACHS Task Force includes a review of the draft findings and recommendations that form the basis of the ACHS. Additionally, the Task Force is to review results of several surveys conducted over the summer, including the Cultural Vision Survey, Cultural Assets Inventory Survey and Municipal Survey of 15 Cities Operating Arts, Culture and Heritage programs and facilities.

Posted On:
Mon, 08/03/2020

August 3, 2020 — A project to design Wilsonville’s future I-5 Pedestrian Bridge and adjacent Gateway Plaza is underway.  The City is gathering public input on preliminary bridge and plaza designs to identify concepts and design elements most preferred by the Wilsonville community.

Residents and community stakeholders are invited to participate in a new survey on “Let’s Talk, Wilsonville!” (registration required) that illustrates three preliminary bridge concepts and three east gateway plaza concepts. Until Aug. 24, community members may vote for their preferences and provide additional input on preferred elements – including public art, gathering spaces, and bridge features – for project managers to consider prioritizing in the final design.

Map of construction sites
Posted On:
Mon, 07/27/2020

July 27, 2020 — The City is beginning its 2020 roadway maintenance project in August. Each year, several streets are upgraded or reconstructed to maintain and develop the City’s infrastructure and optimize traffic flow.

This year’s project includes work on portions of the following roadways: Elligsen Rd., Day Rd., Burns Way, Main St., and Parkway Ave. The project is providing new asphalt or concrete pavement, pedestrian curb ramps, roadway striping and pedestrian signal improvements.

While existing pedestrian curb ramps within the project area are being reconstructed to meet current federal standards, pedestrian access is being maintained during construction. The City is also upgrading pedestrian signals to current federal accessibility standards.

Flight of the Moon
Posted On:
Thu, 07/23/2020

July 23, 2020 — The City of Wilsonville is hosting an online virtual meeting on Monday, Aug. 3, 7-8 pm, geared towards hearing from the Latinx families of the Wilsonville area regarding a vision for a vibrant and diverse cultural scene.

The meeting is part of the City’s public engagement focused on developing a Wilsonville Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy. The meeting is open to the public and provides an opportunity for public comment. Spanish language translation is to be available.

The meeting is to held online via Zoom

family biking in Graham Oaks Park
Posted On:
Wed, 07/22/2020

Residents laud City’s mobility improvements, lament housing costs


July 22, 2020 — The City of Wilsonville recently concluded its biennial community survey, with results illustrating that a large majority of Wilsonville residents maintain an affinity for their community and generally appreciate the quality of local services and amenities.

Among the survey’s 630 respondents, 95% rated Wilsonville as an ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ place to live; 91% indicated a positive quality of life. Among the 35% respondents who indicated their opinion of Wilsonville has changed in the last 12 months, twice as many (24% > 11%) have a more favorable opinion than they did a year ago.

Posted On:
Wed, 07/22/2020

June 22, 2020 — The City of Wilsonville is extending until Sunday, Aug. 2, the deadline for submitting public comments on two cultural surveys underway.

Posted On:
Tue, 07/21/2020

July 21, 2020 — At the July 20, 2020, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the City Council extended the local state of emergency until Sept. 11, allowing the City to continue to coordinate an effective COVID-19 response by redirecting funding for emergency use as needed, implementing mutual-aid agreements with other public agencies and otherwise adjusting operations in the interest of public welfare.

The Council and the Urban Renewal Agency board both approved an intergovernmental agreement between the City and the Urban Renewal Agency that provides the Coffee Creek Urban Renewal District with $500,000 on a short-term basis to fund Garden Acres Rd. improvements in the future Coffee Creek Industrial Area. This action avoids the accumulation of loan origination fees and legal costs associated with borrowing from a financial institution at much higher costs.

Posted On:
Wed, 07/15/2020

July 15, 2020— The City of Wilsonville is recruiting applicants to fill a vacant seat on the City’s seven-member Planning Commission. The candidate who is selected will be appointed to complete a term that expires in December 2022. 

The volunteer Planning Commission provides oversight of the plans and policies that guide future growth and development in Wilsonville. The Commission is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on all local legislative land-use and planning matters.

The group convenes at a monthly public meeting, held the second Wednesday of each month at 6 pm. Responsibilities include review of complex and often voluminous materials provided by staff; knowledge of applicable City Code provisions; and providing input on City plans and measures that promote the health, safety, and welfare of Wilsonville residents and other community stakeholders.

Banner "apply by Aug. 5"
Posted On:
Wed, 07/15/2020

En español l  July 15, 2020 — The City of Wilsonville is recruiting applicants to fill a vacant seat on the City’s seven-member Planning Commission. The candidate who is selected will be appointed to complete a term that expires in December 2022. 

The volunteer Planning Commission provides oversight of the plans and policies that guide future growth and development in Wilsonville. The Commission is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on all local legislative land-use and planning matters.

Posted On:
Wed, 07/15/2020

English  l  15 de julio de 2020 --  La Ciudad de Wilsonville está buscando candidatos para cubrir una vacante en la Comisión de Planificación de la Ciudad, que debe tener siete miembros. El candidato seleccionado será nombrado para que complete un mandato que vence en diciembre de 2022. 

La Comisión voluntaria de Planificación, supervisa los planes y las políticas que guían el crecimiento y desarrollo futuro de Wilsonville. La Comisión es responsable de hacer recomendaciones al Consejo de la Ciudad en todos los asuntos legislativos locales de uso de terrenos y planificación.

Posted On:
Tue, 07/14/2020

July 14, 2020 — The City of Wilsonville is hosting two virtual meetings online the week of July 20 focused on development of an Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy. Both meetings are open to the public; each provides an opportunity for public comment.

All Wilsonville-area youth are invited to participate in the Youth Advisory Committee that is scheduled to meet on Monday, July 20, 1-2 pm.

The meeting seeks to solicit suggestions from younger members of the community for their vision of a vibrant and diverse cultural scene in Wilsonville. Questions to be posed for consideration include “What makes Wilsonville Wilsonville? What are the challenges/barriers to you or others participating in local culture?”

Posted On:
Tue, 07/07/2020

July 7, 2020 — At the July 6, 2020, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the City Council approved an intergovernmental agreement with Washington County that allows Wilsonville to recoup $62,000 that was distributed by the City’s economic development staff to local Washington County businesses impacted by COVID-19.

Washington County has received reimbursement funding via the federal CARES Act, and is reimbursing the City for COVID-19 small business relief grants and the purchase of gift cards to boost local businesses in Washington County.


Additionally, the Council approved three new contracts:

July Wilsonville Library newsletter
Posted On:
Fri, 07/03/2020

The July 2020 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Learn more about the library's re-opening, the Summer Reading Program for all ages, and more. Check it out!

July 2020 cover
Posted On:
Tue, 06/30/2020

The July/August 2020 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, features reports and updates on a range of topics including the following articles and content:

City Council
Posted On:
Tue, 06/30/2020

En inglés  l  4 de junio 2020 — De los cinco puestos del Consejo de la Ciudad de Wilsonville, habrá 3 vacantes en las elecciones generales del martes 3 de noviembre de 2020. Los mandatos del intendente Tim Knapp, la presidenta del Consejo Kristen Akervall y la concejal Joann Linville vencen el 31 de diciembre de 2020.

Los individuos calificados pueden presentar sus candidaturas para ser intendente o concejal. Los representantes electos de Wilsonville cumplen con turnos de cuatro años y no representan a ningún partido.

Los votantes de Wilsonville votarán por un nuevo intendente por primera vez desde el año 2008. Los votantes pasaron una medida de límite de mandatos en el cargo en la elección primaria de mayo que prohíbe que cualquier individuo sirva más de 12 años en un período de 20 años en el Consejo de la Ciudad.

Art from the Beauty and the Bridge project
Posted On:
Fri, 06/26/2020

June 26, 2020 — The City has opened two surveys and is seeking help from community stakeholders throughout the greater Wilsonville area to inform the development of an Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy.  

By July 31, the City invites participation from community stakeholders about cultural attributes and assets that define and shape Wilsonville culturally. A newly-established task force is using this critical public input to shape a strategy to support the development of culturally-significant programs and events.

The Cultural Vision Survey seeks to hear what stakeholders believe are the cultural strengths and challenges and to identify their personal vision for culture.

Library exterior
Posted On:
Mon, 06/22/2020

June 22, 2020 — In accordance with public health guidance from the State of Oregon, the Wilsonville Library is accommodating public re-entry on Tuesday, June 23, for limited hours five days a week.

Initially, the Library is offering only pick-up of held items and additional assistance from librarians. Over time, additional services are to be added as they can be provided safely, including computer access, shelf browsing and access to study/meeting rooms.

Library usage is being limited to the following hours:

  • Tuesday, Thursday-Saturday: 10am-4pm
  • Wednesday: 2-8pm
  • Sunday and Monday: closed to public

The Library is implementing a few new measures for the safety of visitors and staff, including:

Posted On:
Fri, 06/19/2020

June 19, 2020— The City has appointed 27 individuals to serve on the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy Task Force, City Manager Bryan Cosgrove announced today.

Participants include the leaders of local-area nonprofit organizations and government agencies engaged in arts, culture and heritage activities, programs and events, and residents who support cultural affairs and artists/craftspeople. Because of the high level of public interest, additional task force members may be added.

“The City received an overwhelming response for participation in the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy, which is a City Council 2019-21 goal," Cosgrove said. "We are fortunate in Wilsonville to be able to impanel a high-quality group of community stakeholders with a strong interest in developing and promoting arts, culture and heritage.”

Virtual meetings of the task force are tentatively scheduled  on the following dates/times:

Posted On:
Tue, 06/16/2020

June 16, 2020 — At the June 15, 2020, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted the Equitable Housing Strategic Plan. Informed by a community task force, the plan identifies and supports strategies to broaden the array of housing options to serve a greater cross-section of Wilsonville residents.

Implementation of this plan is partially underwritten by more than $530,000 in funds by three recent grants from state agencies and Metro regional government. The funding supports development of Frog Plan East and South master plans, implementation of House Bill 2001 for 2-, 3- and 4-plexes in single-family-zoned subdivisions, and outreach to gather Latinx community input on housing discussions.

painted handprints on white canvas
Posted On:
Thu, 06/11/2020

June 11, 2020 — The City of Wilsonville seeks community members with a strong interest in developing and promoting arts, culture and heritage in Wilsonville to serve on a strategic planning task force.

The Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy Task Force is to be composed of about 20-25 multi-disciplinary stakeholders from the greater Wilsonville community who share an interest in advancing arts, culture and heritage. The Task Force will act as a sounding board for the strategy development, reviewing and commenting on material as it is produced.

The task force is scheduled to convene for a three- to four-month period, June through September of 2020. Because of COVID-19, three virtual meetings are to be held when a majority of task force members are available. Meetings are tentatively scheduled for late June, July and August.
