
June 2021 Wilsonville Library Newsletter
Posted On:
Fri, 05/28/2021

The June 2021 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out! 

Posted On:
Tue, 05/18/2021

May 18, 2021 — At its May 17, 2021, meeting, the Wilsonville City Council adopted a resolution allowing the City Manager to initiate a $2.3 million contract with Eagle-Elsner, Inc., to fund the City’s annual Street Maintenance Program.

This year’s program is rehabilitating or reconstructing the driving surface on about 1.4 miles of City roadways, including Town Center Loop E., Town Center Loop W. and Park Pl. The capital improvement project also replaces or reconstructs pedestrian curb ramps, pedestrian signals, and vehicular signal detection throughout the project area and extends bike facilities with a new buffered bike lane on Town Center Loop W. between Parkway Ave. and Park Pl.

Manos levantadas de muchos colores
Posted On:
Mon, 05/17/2021

17 de mayo, 2021: Esta noche, en la reunión del Consejo de la Ciudad de Wilsonville, el Consejo confirmó el nombramiento de 13 miembros de la comunidad recomendados por la intendenta Julie Fitzgerald para formar el comité de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión (DEI).

Se nombró como miembros del comité a:

Hands of many different colors raised in the air
Posted On:
Mon, 05/17/2021

​May 17, 2021 — Vea en español  l  This evening, at tonight’s meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council confirmed the appointments of 13 community members recommended by Mayor Julie Fitzgerald to compose the City’s first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee.

Named to the committee were:

survey clipboard
Posted On:
Tue, 05/04/2021

The Wilsonville Library is inviting its patrons to visit before May 15 to take a short library usage survey.

The Library was in the midst of gathering information to inform the Master Plan update last spring when the pandemic hit.

A lot has changed in the last year, both in the world and at the Library. To better understand how this has affected patrons and to ensure that Library resources are allocated properly to meet future need, we are asking library users to let us know about ways in which their Library use has been altered by the events of the last year.

Learn more and complete the 5-10 minute survey at

Posted On:
Tue, 05/04/2021

May 4, 2021 — At the May 3, 2021, meeting, the Wilsonville City Council approved the purchase of three 21-passenger Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses to be utilized by Wilsonville’s South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART).

Upon the arrival of the new buses – funded substantially by more than $310,000 in State and Federal grants – half of the vehicles in SMART’s fleet will operate with electricity or lower-emission alternative fuels.  

Additionally, the Council adopted a resolution that establishes by-laws for the City’s new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. Appointments are to be made soon for the new citizen committee, which is charged with developing the City’s DEI strategy and advising the City Council on programs and policies to yield more equitable and inclusive outcomes for historically marginalized members of the community.

May 2021 Wilsonville Library Newsletter
Posted On:
Tue, 05/04/2021

The May 2021 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!

Page 1 of May 2021 issue
Posted On:
Fri, 04/30/2021

The May 2021 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, features reports and updates on a range of topics including the following articles and content:

Posted On:
Wed, 04/21/2021

April 21, 2021 — At the April 19, 2021, meeting, the City Council approved a preferred approach for the “Boeckman Dip” project to mitigate the steep slopes for travelers on Boeckman Rd. between Canyon Creek Rd. and Stafford Rd.

The Council approved the staff’s recommendation of a $20.7 million plan to build a bridge that removes the dip to increase safety and connectivity, improve emergency response and limit environmental and wildlife impacts. When construction begins, after further project funding is identified and the design completed, the project will require the closure of this road segment for the duration of the project.

Posted On:
Tue, 04/06/2021

April 6, 2021 — At the April 5, 2021, meeting, the City Council approved a $350,000 contract with Angelo Planning Group to develop a master plan for the Frog Pond East and Frog Pond South neighborhoods. The plan, targeted for adoption in late 2022, is to establish a foundation for the development of well-designed, walkable and connected future neighborhoods. This project is substantially funded by a grant under Metro’s 2040 Planning and Development Grant Program.

Additionally, the Council authorized the City Manager to execute a $1.47 million Contract with Braun Construction to complete the next phase of the Charbonneau Consolidation Improvement Plan. Scheduled work includes storm, sewer and water pipe replacements in designated areas as well as street resurfacing on Arbor Glen Court and portions of Arbor Glen Loop and Old Farm Road.

Page 1 of April 2021 issue
Posted On:
Wed, 03/31/2021

The April 2021 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, features reports and updates on a range of topics including the following articles and content:

Wilsonville Public Library April 2021 newsletter
Posted On:
Mon, 03/29/2021

The April 2021 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!

Posted On:
Thu, 03/25/2021

March 25, 2021 — The City of Wilsonville is recruiting applicants interested in serving on the City boards and commissions that provide guidance and oversight of City programs.

New terms begin in July 2021 for nine open seats on four City boards. Volunteers selected to participate attend evening meetings (no more than once a month) and assist in making policy recommendations to the City Council.

“We rely on the valuable leadership, innovation and community oversight that our board members provide,” Wilsonville Mayor Julie Fitzgerald said. “Anyone passionate about community involvement should consider applying.”

Positions to be filled include:

group gathering of toiletries at bulky waste day
Posted On:
Wed, 03/24/2021

March 24, 2021 — The City’s popular Bulky Waste Day returns on Saturday, May 22, 9 am-1 pm, at Republic Services (10295 SW Ridder Rd.) in Wilsonville. The event is provided in partnership with Republic Services, the City’s franchised recycling and waste hauler.

Twice a year, Bulky Waste Day provides an opportunity for Wilsonville residents to dispose of large or unusual items that cannot be picked up curbside. Proof of residence is required on site; this opportunity is available only to Wilsonville residents.

There is no charge to dispose of bulky waste items. In lieu of payment, organizers request that participating residents donate new, wrapped toiletry items – including soap, shampoo, laundry soap, deodorant, paper towels, etc. – to help Wilsonville Community Sharing’s Food Bank provide critical assistance to local families in need.

Posted On:
Thu, 03/18/2021

March 18, 2021  The mayors of the two cities in closest proximity to the Aurora State Airport are jointly requesting that a transportation committee of the Oregon legislature conducts a hearing on a pending bill that provides a roadmap forward to resolve a decade of public controversies over the airport. Proposed House Bill 2497 is a “process bill” that creates an open, transparent public process for state aviation agency communications and planning coordination with local communities on Aurora State Airport issues of concern, but does not dictate predetermined results for the airport.

Posted On:
Tue, 03/16/2021

March 16, 2021   At the March 15, 2021, meeting, the Wilsonville City Council authorized the purchase of a new electric bus by South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART). The $850,000 purchase is to be funded primarily by a Federal Transportation Administration (FTA) Grant. The City’s match, nearly $170,000, is to be funded by SMART’s existing Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) revenue.

SMART anticipates ordering a 35-foot bus from Proterra, Inc., the California based manufacturer that provided delivery of the City’s first electric buses in 2019. The new bus could arrive as early as January 2022.

The Council also adopted a pair of resolutions updating City Building Code. The first update implements revisions to State Building Code, while the second adopts Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Fire Code for Wilsonville.

Posted On:
Tue, 03/02/2021

March 2, 2021 — At the March 1, 2021, meeting, the Wilsonville City Council approved a $10.8 million contract with Moore Excavation to advance construction of the 5th Street/Kinsman Rd. extension, a high-priority project in the 2013 Transportation System Plan that extends both roadways and adds new roadway amenities, including bridge crossings and an upgraded railroad crossing.

Completion of the 5th St./Kinsman Rd. Extension project will provide additional connectivity in south Wilsonville with a new route between Old Town and Kinsman Road that parallels Wilsonville Rd. and provides an alternative to the Wilsonville Rd./Boones Ferry Rd. intersection. The two-year project is scheduled to begin in April.  

Page 1 of March 2021 issue
Posted On:
Sun, 02/28/2021

The March 2021 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, features reports and updates on a range of topics including the following articles and content:

Posted On:
Thu, 02/25/2021

February 25, 2021 — Earlier this week, the City of Wilsonville’s Public Works and Park Maintenance Staff completed the work of trimming hazardous limbs and removing tree debris from all 86.2 lane miles of the city’s major arterial roadways.

Since the Feb. 13 onset of the severe winter storm that felled or damaged thousands of Wilsonville trees, the City has operated in accordance with its Debris Management Plan, which calls for the immediate clean-up of public hazards along major arterials and collectors. The crews are now focusing their attention on completing debris clean-up at parks, trails, green spaces and other public properties.

Posted On:
Wed, 02/24/2021

February 24, 2021 — At the direction of the City Council, the City of Wilsonville is establishing a new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee to identify and address systemic barriers to inclusion that exist within the City’s practices, processes, regulations, events and other initiatives.  

The City is now recruiting volunteers to join the DEI Committee. Applications must be submitted by 5 pm on Monday, April 5.

Posted On:
Wed, 02/24/2021

24 de febrero de 2021 - Bajo la dirección del Consejo de la Ciudad, la Ciudad de Wilsonville está formando un nuevo Comité de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión (DEI) para identificar y superar las barreras sistémicas a la inclusión, existentes en las prácticas, procesos, reglamentos, actividades y otras iniciativas de la Ciudad.  

La Ciudad busca voluntarios para el Comité de DEI. Las solicitudes se deben presentar antes de las 5 p. m. del lunes 5 de abril.

Wilsonville Public Library March 2021 newsletter
Posted On:
Sat, 02/20/2021

The March 2021 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out! 

Posted On:
Fri, 02/19/2021

February 19, 2021 — At the February 18, 2021, meeting, the Council approved a contract allowing SMART to purchase an Intelligent Transportation System. The system, to be installed this year throughout the City’s transit network, upgrades the user experience with amenities that include Wi-Fi and real-time trip information.

SMART has selected GMV Syncromatics to provide the technology system, which also aids SMART operations by providing passenger counts, an internal communications system to improve dispatch, and extensive data reporting capabilities. The $543,000 project is made possible by a Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) discretionary grant in the amount of $424,000.

The Council also approved the purchase of a closed circuit video equipment and vehicle to allow Public Works to inspect the City’s underground sewer and stormwater infrastructure more efficiently.

Box of woody debris ready for disposal
Posted On:
Wed, 02/17/2021

Residents May Sign Up to Have Woody Yard Debris Picked Up on Sunday


February 17, 2021 — The City of Wilsonville is coordinating a Community Clean-Up Day on Sunday, Feb. 21. Interested volunteers will be dispatched to assist residents who don’t have the hauling capacity to remove trees, limbs and woody debris from their property.

For this one-time event, the City is soliciting volunteers with hauling capacity. Volunteers are being sent only by request, and are only able to remove debris piles that are organized and placed at the property’s edge.

Need a Hand: Submit Your Address by Saturday Evening

Residents requesting assistance to remove tree debris must simply complete the following steps.

Tree with hanging branches
Posted On:
Tue, 02/16/2021

February 16, 2021 — Beginning on Wednesday, Feb. 17, the City is inviting Wilsonville residents and business operators to dispose of trees, limbs and woody debris at no charge.

Free disposal of tree waste is being permitted daily from 8 am to 5 pm at the Wilsonville Transit Center, accessible via Barber St., between Kinsman Rd. and Boberg Rd. Only fallen trees, limbs and woody debris will be accepted, and materials may only be dropped off between 8 am-5 pm. Proof of residence (driver’s license with Wilsonville address or utility bill) is required.

Because of the continued threat of COVID-19 transmission, the federal government requires proper face coverings be worn at the Transit Center. In addition, the City is requiring that vehicle occupants unload all items brought for disposal and maintain social distancing guidelines.
