Korean War Remembrance Ceremony
Calendar Date:

Honor veterans and acknowledge the start of the Korean War at this event, which includes the grand opening of the new Oregon Korean War Memorial Interpretive Center.
Speakers for the event include Consul General Eunji Seo of the Korean Consulate in Seattle, and representatives from the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs, the Oregon Military Department, the Korean Society of Oregon and the City of Wilsonville. A special ceremony is being held to award the Korean Ambassador for Peace medal to a dozen Korean War veterans or their family representatives.
- Compete Event Program (PDF)
The Oregon Korean War Memorial Interpretive Center showcases the stories of 90+ Oregon Korean War veterans, using video, flip books, and photos. A topographical map outlines famous Korean War battles and battlelines. Visitors can read interestin stories, see flags of allies who came to the aid of South Korea, read about the “Firsts of the Korean War,” and view everyday items used by soldiers.