
Posted On:
Tue, 03/08/2022

March 8, 2022 — At the March 7, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council granted annual property-tax exemptions to five multi-family facilities — Autumn Park Apartments, Charleston Apartments, Creekside Woods LP, Rain Garden LP and Wiedemann Park — that provide 365 residential units of affordable housing. These annual exemptions allow the facilities to provide lower-cost rent to families, seniors and individuals meeting income qualifications.

On second reading, the Council adopted two ordinances that annex and rezone 9.7 acres in the Frog Pond West neighborhood. These actions accommodate the development of a new 29-lot residential sub-division consistent with the Frog Pond West Master Plan.

Additionally, the Council approved a resolution that allows City Parks & Recreation staff to pursue a Local Government Grant Program (LGGP) grant that would fund improvements on a trail segment at The Park at Merryfield.

Aurora Airport small jet taking off on runway
Posted On:
Sat, 03/05/2022

March 5, 2022 — The City of Wilsonville is soliciting public input to better understand how our community interacts with the Aurora Airport. This feedback will inform good-neighbor policies to be established as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan.

Located just 1.6 miles south of Wilsonville city limits, the Aurora Airport is a neighbor of great regional significance. The City recognizes that any changes at the state’s fourth-busiest aviation facility may affect our community in both positive and negative ways.

The City’s Planning Department is hosting two virtual open forums, March 9-10, to gather information from community stakeholders. No pre-registration is required; participants may log onto Zoom at either meeting time listed below.

Page 1 of March 2022 Boones Ferry Messenger
Posted On:
Mon, 02/28/2022

The March 2022 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles and content:

Posted On:
Fri, 02/25/2022

February 25, 2022 — At the February 24, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted two amendments that annex and rezone 9.7 acres in the Frog Pond West neighborhood. These actions accommodate the development of a new 29-lot residential sub-division consistent with the Frog Pond West Master Plan.

The Council approved the amendment of a contract with Stantec Consulting Services to provide $1.3 million for construction support services associated with the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant (WRWTP) Expansion. The project accommodates 10-year growth and includes work to replace outdated equipment and increase seismic resilience at the WRWTP.

Wilsonville Library March 2022 Newsletter
Posted On:
Fri, 02/25/2022

The March 2022 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out! 

cover of Wilsonville Library February 2022 newsletter
Posted On:
Thu, 02/17/2022

The February 2022 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out! 

A hot air balloon flies over Wilsonville behind City Hall
Posted On:
Tue, 02/08/2022

February 8, 2022 — The City inviting amateur and professional photographers alike to enter the first annual “Best of Wilsonville" Photo Contest. Help us capture and celebrate the joy and beauty of our community!

Submit and share your own unique perspective on life in Wilsonville. All original photographs are eligible for prizes, including a $100 Regal Cinemas gift card for the photo judged Best Overall. Each category winner is to receive a prize.

Winning submissions are to be featured in City publications, including the Annual Report, the 2022-23 FY Budget and the 2022-23 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

TO ENTER: Upload your photo on Instagram with the hashtag #BestofWilsonville or submit your photo at by March 11.

Posted On:
Tue, 02/08/2022

February 8, 2022 — At the February 7, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council approved a supplemental budget amendment that appropriates funds for the construction and financing of the City’s future Public Works Complex. 

The amendment provides $22.65 million to advance the project, which was approved by City Council on January 20, 2022. The project addresses the City’s current and future needs with a new facility on Boberg Rd. Construction of the Public Works Complex will improve the efficiency of operations, enhance the security of City’s assets and improve emergency preparedness.

Posted On:
Mon, 01/31/2022

January 31, 2022 — The Wilsonville Parks and Recreation Department is now accepting applications for two City grant programs: the Community Opportunity Grant and the Community Tourism Grant.  Both opportunities are available to individuals or organizations to financially assist projects that benefit the Wilsonville community.

The Community Opportunity Grant Program distributes $25,000 each year from the City’s general fund to support a wide range of local programs and projects in Wilsonville. The program awards funds to projects and services that promote education, diversity, arts, or community involvement. Successful applications provide opportunities for entertainment and/or build community within Wilsonville.  Applications are due on Friday, March 4; the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is reviewing requests and allocating grant awards on April 14.

Posted On:
Fri, 01/21/2022

January 21, 2022 — At the January 20, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council took three actions to secure funding for a future Public Works Complex. The Council authorized a financing plan for construction of the facility, directed staff to proceed with a maximum $16.5 million financing for construction of the facility, and approved a temporary inter-fund loan from water operating fund to general fund.

The $22.5 million project addresses the City’s current and future needs with a new facility on Boberg Rd. Construction of the PW Complex will improve the efficiency of operations, enhance the security of City’s assets and improve emergency preparedness. 

The Council also approved a contract to extend the “Explore Wilsonville” tourism program. The contract funds tourism promotion and development and destination marketing services through June 2023.

headshot of Amy Pepper
Posted On:
Wed, 01/05/2022

January 5, 2022 — Amy Pepper has joined the City of Wilsonville staff as the new Engineering Manager, City Engineer Zach Weigel announced.  

Pepper brings 20 years of municipal engineering experience to Wilsonville, most recently as a Senior Project Engineer for the City of West Linn.

In West Linn, 2017-21, Pepper was responsible for development review and managed several capital projects, including a Sewer Pump Station Upgrade, Surface Water Master Plan and a CIPP Sewer Line Installation.

Previously, 2002-17, Pepper spent 15 years with the City of Troutdale as a Civil Engineer, where her responsibilities include development review, customer service, permit compliance, environmental programs and the management of several capital projects.

Posted On:
Mon, 01/03/2022

January 4, 2022 — The Kitakata Sister City Advisory Board is initiating a new sister city pen-pal program with colleagues in Kitakata, Japan, to help spark new friendships and build long-lasting connections among individuals and families in both cities.

Community members of all ages may participate. Simply submit an introductory letter during business hours at the Parks & Recreation Admin. Building (29600 SW Park Pl.). Letters may be submitted by individuals or families. City staff liaison Erica Behler is sending the letters to Kitakata at the end of this month February. 

“The Sister City Board is encouraging people of all ages to participate if they are interested in connecting,” Behler said. “Through letter writing and email exchanges, the Board is hopeful that Wilsonville community members can build connections with people across the globe to discover our common ground and gain a more complete understanding of another culture.”

Page 1 of Jan/Feb Boones Ferry Messenger
Posted On:
Thu, 12/30/2021

The January/February 2022 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles and content:

Matt Lorenzen headshot
Posted On:
Tue, 12/28/2021

December 28, 2021 — The City of Wilsonville has hired Matt Lorenzen to serve as its Economic Development Manager, Community Development Director Chris Neamtzu announced. Lorenzen begins employment with the City today.

For the past five years, Lorenzen has served in a very similar capacity for the City of Estacada, Ore., where he oversaw all economic development and urban renewal activities. During his tenure, he won multiple grant awards, oversaw the redevelopment of the city’s website and served to support commercial and industrial growth through private-public partnerships and targeted marketing and communications.

Posted On:
Tue, 12/21/2021

December 21, 2021– The City of Wilsonville is recruiting community members to serve on a new Arts, Culture, and Heritage Commission (ACHC) that is being established to help Wilsonville develop a more vibrant cultural scene. Applications must be received by Monday, Jan. 31, at 5 pm.

Establishing an Arts, Culture, and Heritage Commission fulfills a City Council goal for 2021-23. The Commission’s bylaws were adopted at the Council’s meeting last night.

Community members with knowledge and experience in arts, culture or heritage activities, events, facilities and/or programs are encouraged to apply. The Commission is to be ethnically diverse, and to include artists, business professionals, youth, and others with proficiencies relevant to the purpose of the Commission.

Posted On:
Tue, 12/21/2021

December 21, 2021 — At the December 20, 2021, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted a resolution that establishes a new volunteer Arts, Culture, and Heritage Commission (ACHC). Establishment of the ACHC, set forth in the 2020 Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy (ACHS), fulfills a 2021-23 City Council Goal.

The ACHS is to consist of nine voting members. Upon its establishment, the ACHC is to provide recommendations to City Council and City staff on programs and activities relating to arts, culture, and heritage and oversee implementation of the ACHS.

Posted On:
Fri, 12/17/2021

​December 17, 2021 — On Monday, Dec. 20, the Wilsonville City Council is scheduled to consider a resolution that would create an Arts, Culture, and Heritage Commission. Establishing the Commission is a 2021-23 City Council Goal and a key component of advancing the City’s Arts, Culture, and Heritage Strategy (ACHS) adopted by Council in November 2020.

Upon establishment, the Commission would carry the primary responsibility to provide recommendations to City Council and City staff on programs and activities relating to arts, culture, and heritage. The Commission would oversee implementation of ACHS recommendations, which include developing a public art program, identifying grant funding sources, allocating grant awards, and advancing consideration of a community arts center.

cover of Wilsonville Library January 2022 Newsletter
Posted On:
Thu, 12/16/2021

The January 2022 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out! 

Posted On:
Thu, 12/16/2021

 Please visit Let's Talk Wilsonville at : 2023  Transit Master Plan


Posted On:
Tue, 12/14/2021

December 14, 2021 — On December 9, 2021, the Oregon Supreme Court dismissed an appeal that resulted in upholding a June 16, 2021, decision by the Court of Appeals, which declared that the Department of Aviation misapplied state land-use laws in approving the contentious 2011-12 Aurora State Airport Master Plan.

The Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals decision that reversed and remanded a December 2020 Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) decision on the master plan, finding that LUBA erred in excluding the prior critical 2011-12 master plan work from the record; in erroneously finding that the master plan did not propose airport development on Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) land; and also erroneously finding that any proposed new uses at the Aurora Airport are considered rural uses for land-use purposes.

Posted On:
Tue, 12/14/2021

December 14, 2021 — The week after the Oregon Supreme Court upheld a ruling in a case brought by the Cities of Aurora and Wilsonville that found the Department of Aviation violated the state’s land-use system when approving a 2011-12 Aurora State Airport master plan with a longer runway, the communities’ mayors now seek the Governor’s intervention in the new 2021-22 master plan.

Posted On:
Tue, 12/07/2021

December 7, 2021 — At the December 6, 2021, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted the City’s first Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP). The plan  articulates the City’s strategies to protect, maintain and enhance Wilsonville tree canopy. The UFMP guides staff and community members in the effective management of tree growth, maintenance and preservation, and includes strategies specific to Charbonneau and the Wilsonville Town Center.

Page 1 of December 2021 issue
Posted On:
Tue, 11/30/2021

The December 2021 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles and content:

Posted On:
Tue, 11/30/2021

November 30, 2021— The City of Wilsonville’s Budget Committee has scheduled upcoming meetings to review current financial operations and to consider and approve a Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 budget for Council adoption.  

Wilsonville Public Library December 2021 newsletter
Posted On:
Wed, 11/24/2021

The December 2021 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
