On a dark and stormy night, a murder mystery set in the 1920’s was brewing at the Wilsonville Library...
The joint will be hopping at our 1st annual Murder Mystery event for adults on Saturday, Oct. 22 (7pm-9pm). The Jazz Age comes alive! Step back in time to a private party held at a jazz club in the 1920’s. It is a night of revelry enjoyed by sophisticates, artists, and gangsters... until things go horribly wrong. Come in costume for this event! Wear your zoot suit, don your flapper dress, and get ready for roaring good time!
Prizes for solving the mystery and best costume. Light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be served.
Participation is limited, so sign up now to reserve your place! Last day to sign up is Monday (Oct. 17).
The Library will be closed on Monday, October 10, 2022, for a Staff In-service Day.
To renew items, select "My Account" on the Library website or call the automated phone service at 503-659-8634.
October 6, 2022 – The City of Wilsonville is collaborating with Shred Northwest to provide an opportunity for residents and small business operators to safely dispose of sensitive paper documents. The one-time paper-shredding event takes place on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 9 am to 2 pm in the City Hall parking lot (29799 SW Town Center Loop E.)
Participants simply unload their documents into large carts, which are rolled to one of two Shred Northwest trucks for immediate on-site shredding. No plastics, binders, or large metal pieces may be included with paper dropped for shredding, though staples and paper clips are ok.
October 5, 2022 — In partnership with Republic Services, the City of Wilsonville is hosting its annual Leaf Drop-Off Day on Saturday, Nov. 5, from 9 am to 2 pm.
Wilsonville residents are invited to drop-off leaves only — no other yard debris, please! — at the City Hall parking lot, 29799 SW Town Center Loop East.
City Public Works employees will be on hand to assist residents with disposing of leaves into large commercial dumpsters provided by Republic Services.
October 4, 2022 — At the October 3, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted two ordinances on second reading that annex and rezone 4.9 acres in the Frog Pond West neighborhood. These actions accommodate development of the 12-lot Frog Pond Terrace residential subdivision, consistent with the Frog Pond West Master Plan.
Additionally, the Council established less restrictive local limits (and repealed previous limits) regulating the type and quantity of pollutants discharged to the waste water treatment facility by non-domestic users. Approved by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and informed by the City’s efficient pre-treatment, these limits are in compliance with the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.
The October 2022 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles and content:
September 23, 2022 — The City of Wilsonville is recruiting applicants interested in serving on the City boards and commissions that provide guidance and oversight of City programs.
New terms begin in January 2023 for 19 open seats on six City boards. Members typically attend evening meetings (no more than once a month) and assist in making policy recommendations to the City Council.
The October 2022 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
September 20, 2022 — At the September 19, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council authorized the City Manager to amend a professional services agreement with MurraySmith, Inc. The amendment provides $2 million to fund owner’s representative services for the Boeckman Road Corridor Improvement Projects, including engineering design review, independent cost estimating, construction management, administration, public engagement, and inspection.
Sept. 20, 2022 — The City and Republic Services are hosting the biannual Bulky Waste Day event this Saturday, Sept. 24, 9 am-1 pm, at Republic Services (10295 SW Ridder Rd.) in Wilsonville.
Bulky Waste Day provides an opportunity for Wilsonville residents to dispose of large or unusual items that cannot be picked up curbside. Proof of Wilsonville residence is required.
There is no charge to dispose of waste. In lieu of charging a fee, the City is asking participants to donate new or unused gift cards from local merchants in small denominations ($5-20) to help Wilsonville Community Sharing’s Food Bank provide critical assistance to local families in need.
September 9, 2022 — At the September 8, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council approved an amendment to the City’s contract with Leland Consulting Group. The amendment funds additional due diligence in the ongoing process to solicit developers for the proposed Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) project at the Wilsonville Transit Center.
On first reading, the Council adopted two ordinances that annex and rezone 11.2 acres in the Frog Pond West neighborhood. These actions accommodate the development of the 19-lot Frog Pond Terrace residential sub-division, consistent with the Frog Pond West Master Plan.
The September 2022 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles and content:
The September 2022 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
August 22, 2022 – The City of Wilsonville is hosting a free Emergency Preparedness Fair on Saturday, Sept. 17, from 10 am to noon at the Stein-Boozier Barn at Memorial Park.
Preparedness experts from the City and several partners in Emergency Management will be on hand to provide a fun, family-friendly event that shared information, tips, and tools to get households more prepared to withstand a local or regional emergency.
Attendees can learn how to build an evacuation ‘go bag, learn home preparedness tips, and get simple checklists to make it easier to make an emergency plan, safeguard their homes, prepare their pets, and more. The event also includes useful giveaway items, and other interactive activities to promote individual and family preparedness.
August 17, 2022 — At the August 15, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council approved an intergovernmental agreement among the City, the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office and the West Linn-Wilsonville School District to renew and more clearly define terms of the School Resource Officer program.
Additionally, the Council approved a refund of $118,000 in System Development Charges (SDC) to Coffee Creek Logistics Holdings for water and sewer infrastructure built by the developer within the new 110,000-square-foot Coffee Creek Logistics Center.
August 3, 2022 — A voluntary water curtailment notice previously issued by the cities of Wilsonville and Sherwood on Saturday, July 30, is no longer in effect. There are no restrictions on water usage in either community.
A water transmission pump at the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant (WRWTP) that failed just after 11:30 pm on Friday, July 29, is now back in operation. Earlier today, a field engineer replaced a short-circuited power component with a new component that was priority-shipped to the Plant this week.
“We appreciate the considerable efforts taken by Wilsonville and Sherwood to conserve water, and the quick work by Veolia’s staff at the Water Treatment Plant to bring the system back to full-service capacity,” said Jeanna Troha, Wilsonville’s Acting City Manager.
August 2, 2022 — At the August 1, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council approved a $19.7 million contract with Emerick Construction to build the City of Wilsonville’s future Public Works Complex.
Centrally located on Boberg Rd. near the Wilsonville Transit Center, the new seismically-resilient operations center will allow for more efficient and cost-effective service delivery, and provide adequate shop space, office space and storage to support the City’s future growth. The building could be completed as early as spring of 2024.
July 30, 2022 — The overnight failure of a water pump at the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant (WRWTP) -- which provides potable water to the cities of Wilsonville and Sherwood –- has temporarily reduced the Plant’s ability to effectively pump a high-demand volume of treated water to customers.
In order to ensure that every community member maintains a sufficient supply of water to meet their most critical needs, the Cities of Wilsonville and Sherwood are issuing a voluntary Water Curtailment Notice. Customers in both cities are being asked to voluntarily suspend non-essential high-water usage activities (including outdoor irrigation, washing cars, etc.)
The August 2022 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!
Due to the Excessive Heat Warning for this Friday and Saturday (July 29-30, 2022), the library will be open expanded hours on the following schedule:
- Friday, July 29 - 10 am to 8 pm
- Saturday, July 30 - 10 am to 8 pm
Limited library services, including browsing the stacks, computer use, and checking out of library items, will be available.
For the City of Wilsonville's Extreme Weather Resource Guide, please visit the City of Wilsonville website.
To renew items, select "My Account" on the Library website or call the automated phone service at 503-659-8634.
In order to better understand the childcare needs of families who live in Wilsonville, as well as employees who work in Wilsonville, the city is asking for your input. Please take one or both surveys, as appropriate.
"Childcare Survey for Employers" should be completed by HR leaders and/or management-level leaders at Wilsonville companies.
"Childcare Survey for Families" should be taken both by residents of Wilsonville, as well as those working in Wilsonville (even if you live outside Wilsonville).
The surveys take less than 5 minutes to complete.
Surveys will close on August 24, 2022 at 5pm.
July 19, 2022 — At the July 18, 2022, meeting of the Wilsonville City Council, the Council adopted the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee’s Strategic Plan. The plan identifies short-term actions over the next 1-2 years to foster more inclusive community engagement, improve communication & education, and develop inclusive cultural events and a wider array of celebrations and holiday recognitions.
The Council appointed a City Manager Pro Tem through Aug. 14 to cover the absence of City Manager Bryan Cosgrove. Assistant City Manager Jeanna Troha (July 19-23; Aug. 1-14) and City Attorney Amanda Guile-Hinman (July 24-31) were appointed to serve in Cosgrove’s stead.
July 18, 2022 – Wilsonville has been honored as one of 23 cities and towns from across the United States to be designated “Walk Friendly” in 2022.
For the third time, the Walk Friendly Communities program (WFC) has recognized the City’s work to prioritize pedestrians and create safe and inviting places to walk. Wilsonville first earned the designation in 2011, and has now been re-designated twice (2016, 2022) as a bronze-level Walk Friendly Community. The designation remains valid for a five-year period.
“Sustaining this designation for more than a decade is a substantial achievement,” said Community Development Director Chris Neamtzu. “It’s reflective of a long-held commitment to prioritize pedestrian safety and mobility. Walkable communities are more desirable places to live and work.”
The July 2022 edition of the all-city newsletter, The Boones Ferry Messenger, is now available. This monthly publication is mailed to all Wilsonville residents; it includes the following articles and content:
The July 2022 edition of the Wilsonville Public Library newsletter "Check Out" features articles and information about events at the library throughout the month. Check it out!