6 - Canyon Creek

Route 6 runs along the east side of I-5 between Wilsonville Transit Center and Argyle Square, serving major employment sites.

Time may be changed by up to 5 minutes without notice to adjust for traffic conditions.

**Times in gray are connections to other transit agencies  which may change without notice and are for reference only**

  6  - Wislonville Transit Center to
        Argyle Square
  MONDAY - FRIDAY (Except holidays)
Wilsonville Transit Center Siemens Parkway
Burns Way @ Parkway Center
TriMet A B C D
6:35 6:59 7:03 7:05 7:08
8:05 8:07 8:11 8:13 8:16
8:50 9:03 9:07 9:09 9:12
9:35 9:59 10:03 10:05 10:08
 ---- 2:53 - - 2:59
 ---- 4:04 - - 4:11
4:47 5:04 - - 5:11
5:32 5:58 - - 6:05
7:02 7:04 - - 7:09


6 - Burns Way @ Parkway Center
       to Wilsonville Transit Center
MONDAY - FRIDAY (Except holidays)
Burns Way @ Parkway Center Parkway
Siemens Wilsonville Transit Center Train
D C B A TriMet
7:09 - - 7:19 7:31
8:17 - - 8:27  ----
9:13 - - 9:23  ----
10:09 - - 10:19 ----
3:00 3:04 3:07 3:12 3:28
4:12 4:16 4:19 4:24 4:58
5:12 5:16 5:19 5:24 5:43
6:06 6:10 6:13 6:18 6:28
7:09 7:13 7:16 7:21  ----
    PM Times are Bolded